Bring the pain. Bring the fun.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

I Suspect That Mia Still Doesn't Know How To Use 3-Way

In honor of Mia and Nancy's birthdays in June that I did not recognize, I would like to pull out this dusty from the DJ Steady collection c. 2000.

Click here for the goodness:
Mia and Nancy Learn 3-Way

(An editorial note: I had probably called Mia 8-9 times, each time leaving a message with her housekeeper who did not speak English.)

Saturday, November 08, 2008

I really meant it when I said "mea culpa"

A private note on a public blog:
I really dropped the ball on my blog.  Yes, I know.  You can see that I forgot Becca... and Nancy... and Julie... and Mary.... and Mia! and the list goes on and on... it has been a tough year.  Maybe a little too much of the actual DTCMIM40's.  But I thank you all.  Without you I'm nothing. Or at least not as much.  Well, maybe I'm something.  Anyway, this introspection is killing me.  I need to disco dance.

Besides, I never finish anyth 


The Most Important Thing on the Bride's Contract Rider?

Jack on hand.

Yes my sweet, little friend Yolanda drinks Jack. Mr. Daniels if your nasty.

And while I've not been able to touch the stuff following that unfortunate incident in 1990 involving a 3 Wise Men shot, some sorority hazing, and forced removal from a bar... I do (have? will?) love me some whiskey... just not the bourbon. But I will certainly make an exception. And a Jack and Coke, neat, shall be the drink of the first half of November. I think it is a drink we can all get behind... and under. Given Yolander's current condition (that ironically followed her vacation on the big, gay cruise) I may have to have one more for her. Holy insurance risks, Batman! Lord help us all.

To my honorary 'bo...

Friday, November 07, 2008

I have forgotten to dedicate a cocktail to my beloved

She informed me that I, in fact, forgot to name a drink of the month in her honor. I am a very, very bad girlfriend.

But, of course, she knows as I do... it is a Rum Runner.
1 1/2 ounces Rum (White)
1/4 ounce Banana Liqueur
1/4 ounce Blackberry Brandy
1/2 teaspoon Grenadine
5 ounces Sweet & Sour Mix
Shake with ice and strain into a cocktail glass.

My first Rum Runner was bought for me by an old friend of Becca's named Kelly while we were visiting Cape Cod. We were enjoying a lovely evening sitting on lawnchairs at a marina outside a restaurant called the Chart Rum (I mean Room). Kelly decided that I needed to have a drop-in in my drink... aka a floater aka as a full shot of 151 Rum.

Needless to say... the Rum Runner will most definitely NOT be the drink to carry me into my 40's as it was the drink that nearly ended my life at 37.