Bring the pain. Bring the fun.

Friday, November 07, 2008

I have forgotten to dedicate a cocktail to my beloved

She informed me that I, in fact, forgot to name a drink of the month in her honor. I am a very, very bad girlfriend.

But, of course, she knows as I do... it is a Rum Runner.
1 1/2 ounces Rum (White)
1/4 ounce Banana Liqueur
1/4 ounce Blackberry Brandy
1/2 teaspoon Grenadine
5 ounces Sweet & Sour Mix
Shake with ice and strain into a cocktail glass.

My first Rum Runner was bought for me by an old friend of Becca's named Kelly while we were visiting Cape Cod. We were enjoying a lovely evening sitting on lawnchairs at a marina outside a restaurant called the Chart Rum (I mean Room). Kelly decided that I needed to have a drop-in in my drink... aka a floater aka as a full shot of 151 Rum.

Needless to say... the Rum Runner will most definitely NOT be the drink to carry me into my 40's as it was the drink that nearly ended my life at 37.


Anonymous said...

as I've said before, I am quite fond of the top of my head. I wish it had a mouth so it could be what I use to talk to others.

Anonymous said...

steph...i love you. everytime i have a floater i think of you. not the kind you find in the toilet, the kind they put on our drinks....and the kind that you blacked out from :)